Easy Way to Eliminate Alcoholism



Alcohol addiction is referred to as alcoholism. It is a chronic disorder in which an individual finds it psychologically impossible to abstain from frequent and excessive alcohol drinking. As one of the three most dangerous killer diseases of the 20th century, alcoholism was formerly named by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Another one of the most important social issues is alcoholism. It frequently results in marital misery, broken houses, poverty, and a certain level of crime. In addition, it causes a lot of traffic accidents. It is not possible to find alcohol in nature. It is a member of the poison family since it is the product of breakdown. The primary intoxicating component of wine, beer, and distilled liquor is ethyl alcohol, a hazardous substance that depresses the central nervous system and brain. Alcohol cannot be referred to as food because it passes through the alimentary canal undigested. It enters the bloodstream swiftly and spreads throughout the body, damaging essential organs including the liver and brain.


According to the World Health Organization, "Alcoholics are those excessive drinkers whose dependence on alcohol has attained such a degree that it shows a noticeable mental disturbance or interference with their bodily or mental health, their interpersonal relations and their smooth social and economic functions, or who show the prodromal signs of such development."

Alcoholics have a fast heartbeat, a raspy voice, and a bloated face with bloodshot eyes. They are too sentimental, agitated, and suspicious. Other symptoms include confusion, disturbed sleep, vomiting, and poor judgment.

The long-term alcoholic who prefers to drink over food does not take adequate vitamins. While his/her body burns the alcohol, the little vitamins she/he has taken are burned out of his/her system. A lack of certain vitamins can cause neuritis, tremors, delirium convulsions, visual problems, and decreased memory. Premature grey hair is frequently caused by excessive drinking because of vitamin K deficiency . Chronic alcoholism causes symptoms such as tremors in the hands, feet, and tongue, convulsions, brain fog, and sweating due to the body's loss of minerals, especially magnesium. The liver is strained by binge drinking. It frequently results in liver cirrhosis and gradually destroys its functions. It treats gastrointestinal and intestinal problems. Because brain cells are frequently impacted by it, it may result in brain damage. Alcohol has a profound effect on the heart, making it weak and floppy.

Alcoholism is the outcome of excessive drinking. Sometimes it strikes very quickly, and other times years may go by before someone develops into a full-fledged alcoholic. A weak-minded person turns to alcohol or drugs as a form of solace. Instead of facing the matter head-on, he/she does this by just trying to get away from it.

Most often, someone turns to drinking to help them fall asleep, get over worry, or give them sporadic life. If someone develops a physical or psychological dependence on alcohol, he/she becomes an alcoholic. He/she turns to binge drinking as a result of his/her unhealthy coping mechanism for stress in his life.


  • Give up Alcohol- First and foremost, the chronic alcoholic needs to resolve to give up alcohol. He/she should give up drinking alcohol immediately because it is an addiction that cannot be broken gradually. To minimize cravings for stimulants like alcohol, the best strategy to treat alcoholism is to improve the body's nutritional integrity.
  • Juice Fasting- At the beginning, the patients should be placed on a cleansing juice fast for a minimum of 10 days. He/she should consume one orange juice every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during this time. If preferred, the juice can be diluted with warm water. Vegetable juices may be consumed if orange juice does not agree. Daily while abstaining from food. Towels ought to be free of poison and toxins, as the body has a self-cleaning mechanism in place. The warm water enema can help with this. Typically, the patient won't experience any alcohol cravings while on the juice fast. This will provide a solid 10-day jump start on the drinking habit and assist in removing psychological as well as physical reliance.

  • Include Whole Grains-  Following the first juice fast, the best diet for obtaining important nutrients is a fast on diet that should include whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds, and sprouts as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Avoid refined foods- All refined foods such as sugar, white rice, macaroni products and white flour and meat should be avoided.
  • Consume a number of modest meals- The patient should eat several small meals a day in preference to two or three large ones and avoid strong condiments such as pepper, mustard and chili. 
  • Do not Smoke- He should not smoke as this will only increase his desire for alcohol. It is recommended that the patient be provided a suitable substitute at the start of the treatment to satisfy the craving if and when it arises. 
  • Alternative of Alcohol- A glass of fresh fruit juice, perhaps sweetened with honey, is the ideal alcohol substitute. As an alternative, you might have some healthy candies. If the patient has a yearning for a stimulant in between meals, he should always have juices, candies, or other snacks readily available.

Because they eliminate drunkenness and lessen the desire for wine and other intoxicating liquors, apples are thought to be beneficial in the treatment of alcoholism. It's also thought that raw celery juice is beneficial. It is an antidote to alcohol and has a sobering impact. A healthy diet is essential, but so are lots of relaxation and outdoor activity. Exercise improves the state of the appetite center, which regulates the desire for alcohol. 

Yogic asans for general health such as padmasan, vajrasan, vakrasan, paschimotanasan, yogamudra, bhujangasan, halasan and shalabhasana and yogic kriyas like jalneti, kunjal and simple Pranayamas like kapalbhati, anuloma-viloma, shitali and sitkari will be beneficial. 

Effective water therapies for alcoholism also include consuming large amounts of water, hot fomentations on the stomach and abdomen, and moist girdle packs in between applications. Lastly, it is important to adhere to Dr. William Terhune's Ten Commandments: Ways to Prevent Alcoholism. He is a psychiatrist. These are the following:

  1. Never consume alcohol when you "need one";
  2. take a leisurely sip;
  3. Drink in two-hour intervals, with the second being consumed 30 minutes after the first and the third an hour later;
  4. reduce the amount of alcohol you drink;
  5. maintain a precise and sincere log of the quantity and number of drinks you consume;
  6. Never hide how much alcohol you consume;
  7. Avoid drinking when you're not eating.
  8. Give off drinking when you feel tired or after lunch or dinner, boredom, annoyance, erotic excitement, and bedtime);
  9. Establish the rule that you should never drink to relieve emotional or physical distress; and
  10. Never, ever assume that having a drink in the morning will help you get over a hangover. 
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