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Solar Urticaria

Definition: Solar urticaria is a rare condition where exposure to sunlight causes the skin to break out in hives, swelling, and redness within minutes.
Cause: An abnormal immune reaction to UV radiation, causing the release of histamines in the skin, leading to hives.

  • Immediate reaction: Hives and itching appear quickly after sun exposure and subside once the skin is no longer exposed to sunlight.
  • Severe reaction: In rare cases, systemic symptoms like dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing may occur.
    Protection Before the Cause:
  • Avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours and seek shade.
  • Wear sun-protective clothing and apply broad-spectrum sunscreen.
    Cure After the Cause:
  • Oral antihistamines can reduce hives and itching.
  • Severe cases may require immunosuppressive treatments or phototherapy to desensitize the skin to UV light.
    Conclusion: Solar urticaria can significantly impact a person's ability to spend time outdoors, but with proper sun avoidance and medical management, symptoms can be controlled effectively.
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