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Solar Lentigines (Sun Spots or Age Spots)

Definition: Solar lentigines, commonly known as sun spots or age spots, are flat, brown spots that appear on areas frequently exposed to the sun.
Cause: UV radiation accelerates melanin production, leading to dark spots.

  • Small, freckle-like spots or larger patches that darken with more sun exposure.
    Protection Before the Cause:
  • Consistent sunscreen use, especially on exposed areas like the face, hands, and shoulders.
  • Avoid tanning beds and use hats or protective clothing when outdoors.
    Cure After the Cause:
  • Laser therapy to target and break down pigmentation.
  • Cryotherapy can freeze and lighten the spots.
  • Topical creams with retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to reduce pigmentation over time.
    Conclusion: Solar lentigines are harmless but cosmetically undesirable. They can be treated and prevented with diligent sun protection.
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